About My Lessons & Approach to Teaching Guitar

I graduated from the Royal Nothern College of Music a long time ago.

Upon graduating, one of my key concerns was how to keep learning and improving my abilities whilst travelling, performing and generally earning a living from playing music. I am pleased to say that I achieved this. I also became determined that later in life I would share my knowledge of how to 'improve yourself' on the guitar, on your own terms and have tremendous fun and satisfaction at the same time.

Today, there are so many influeneces on the student guitarist. The obvious unconcious danger is to compare yourself to other players and become influenced by negative comparisons to the point that it becomes easy to lose your own musical identity.

Please remember that if (for example) you hear of a well-known player that maybe practices scales for 2 hours a day - it does not mean that is right for you. The same is true of studies and repertoire in general.

Join me as a student and let us explore together what is the best path for your musical development.

Kind regards Michael Martin