Play-Along Classical Active Guitar Scores - Main Benefits

(1) Many of the tracks have 'built-in' Rubato passages to give the performance a more natural, guitaristic feel with efficient and seamless visual entry points for the player. Regardless of whether the backing music is silent for a while, you know exactly where you are and can come back together easily.

(2) Playing with other musicians is not the same as on your own and this is a tremendous problem for guitarists. Many find the prospect of performing with others terrifying because it can take a lot of getting used to. With Classical Guitar Play-Along Active Scores you improve you sight-reading abilities and attune your ears privately to the music and at your own pace. You can go back and forth a few bars and re-check your fingering etc. When you are confident of the music, you can simply use the video backing to silently cue your entry points, like working with a real conductor! It is also worth mentioning that you can also slow the Play-Along video speed with your computer or tablet, without affecting the pitch.

(3) Playing with classical backing musicians will drive and improve your ensemble abilities with more realism and is second only to the real thing. As your ear improves and you settle into the music your growing confidence will enable you to become more of your musical ability and the potetntial within the music. Eventually you will begin taking some of your cues mostly from the sound of the music itself (like a professional) as well as become driven as much by what others are playing - as your own performance.

(4) The sheer ability to work with different types of ensemble music (at a stroke) cannot be emphasised enough. For example some performers have no difficulty with straight (say Baroque style) rhythms but may struggle with Swing & Bossa Nova where the rhythmic emphasis can feel very unnatural to the performer. You can now work on your style weaknesses in private!

(5) No more audio-only backing tracks. Guitar Play-Along Active Scores videos can be loaded onto your PC or preferably Tablet - which can be placed on a music stand. I often Bluetooth my backing track to a separate (portable Bose) speaker in public performance. My iPad holds dozens of these tracks so I can practice or perform them anywhere.

(6) The quality of the audio and instruments is critical to this product. We have made the balancing of the instrumental parts as favourable to the Classical Guitar as possible. The guitar can stand out and sound like a normal part of the ensemble - even without amplification.