About Play-Along Classical Guitar Scores - Active Backing Music

Many years ago I knew a distinguished electric guitar session player and he used to do so solo gigs using backing tracks on CD. I went to see him play at his gigs and observed how he had to set up his sheet music to get ready, load the CD and wait for the Click Track count in to start playing. I also noticed that whatever the time signature - the backing track rhythms were usually dance orientated and rigid as far as timing was concerned.

Some years later I wondered if it would be possible for a Classical Guitarist to do something similar with backing music for Classical Guitar. Immediately, I realised one of the difficulties was that a sensitive performance of classical guitar music will usually not be as rigid as a pop track. Moreover, there were the problems of guitar entry points especially after a slower solo section in the middle of a piece of music. Adding audible clicks to re-align the tempo would sound unprofessional - to say the least.

Rubato passages and ends of sections (or phrases) in particular, with typical audio based backing tracks, can amount to disaster in co-ordination - unless there is some sort of conductor, or visual clue for the Guitarist. This product effectively dispenses with all audible, tempo cues & clicks in the performances - completely.

The Solution & Benefits

So I set to work devising a simple system for myself, using (self-composed & arranged) backing music in Video Format. I wanted to create something that keeps the performer in time visually and allows more freedom of expression for the soloist. My first Video Backing Track truly seemed to take me forever but I persisted - because I knew the results would last forever. I was delighted after I finished my first attempt and slightly awe struck at the implications, because I realised there are more benefits to this than I first realised!

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